Progress update and next steps (December 2024)


The Mikyo Dorje Institute will play a part in opening and keeping

open that door to the Dharma in modern times.

Lama Jampa Thaye


In response to interest in the project from members of the Dechen community, we'd like to update you on three specific areas:

1. Outcome of surveys on the house

The whole property (grounds, barns and house) has been evaluated by Berrys Property Specialists at £1,400,000 - £1,500,000. Late in January a figure will be negotiated which will depend upon this assessment, the cost of renovations and the vendor's evaluation.

To determine the degree of disrepair, make recommendations and provide an indication of cost, the farmhouse has been surveyed by a registered structural engineer from Fairhurst Buckley. The engineer also considered the cost of converting the first and second floors of the house into two self-contained flats and accommodation for group retreats. 

The farmhouse was built in the 18th century and there is a significant amount of renovation required to the roof and windows, plus underpinning and repairing walls. All services - heating, water and electrics - need to be connected from the side of the house which has already been renovated to the other side.

The engineer advised, unprompted, that we should not be put off by the extent of the work, but should see the wider and longer term development potential of the site to deliver the functions of the Institute. This is made possible by the existing built footprint of barns and other farm buildings, of a size which rarely becomes available.

There will be further surveys of the property during pre-purchase due diligence activity, which will be commenced once our purchasing power is confirmed. These will include a survey of the out-buildings, soil toxicity, heritage, ecology and hydrology. 

2. Phases of development and use of Haughton Farm

People sometimes ask what is the plan for the use and development of Haughton Farm should we succeed in purchasing it? 

Our current thinking is that we would initially renovate the farmhouse and create two self-contained flats suitable as rental accommodation for two individuals or couples. This would provide resident caretakers for the estate and a modest income.

Once renovated the house will be suitable for hosting group and solitary retreats, with accommodation for up to ten people. It is envisaged that group retreats will be run for short periods throughout the year, bringing people together to engage in dharma activity, undertake simple work around the grounds and take time to deepen their practice and understanding.

In the short-term we will develop a landscape plan and commence work on shaping the ground, in preparation for mid-term uses as a site for a stupa, camp site, horticultural space and leisure gardens. Remaining farm buildings will be fenced off until they are fit for use. 

The mid-term plan will be to renovate the farm buildings as funding comes in through legacy gifts, grant funding and other sources. 

The longer term plan will be to build a gompa, quarters for ordained sangha and a small hospice. 

There has been a wave of generosity from people in the Dechen community in support of the Mikyo Dorje Institute. The graphs below illustrate the current financial situation and present the shortfall in funding for the purchase and renovation of Haughton Farm.

3. Current and required finances. 

(At time of writing).

As you can see, we have raised and have pledges for £500,000, this is an exceptional achievement and something the community should be proud of.

By building on our current cash in hand, regular donations and loans pledged, we can raise what is needed to accomplish the first phase of the purchase and re-development.

In particular, setting up standing orders at this stage will allow us to demonstrate to the bank and Trustees our ability to fund any loan we take out, and that we are able to afford the property.

The project team has negotiated an extension with the vendor and the Trustees to demonstrate our financial capability by the 26th January 2025. 

The scale of this undertaking might feel daunting but if you have specific concerns it is fine to make a pledge to donate when your specific criteria have been met, e.g. specific steps in due diligence.

In his interview with H.H. Karmapa, Lama Jampa asked about the legacy of Kagyu lineage holder Shamar Rinpoche. His Holiness responded that one of Rinpoche's greatest qualities and an ongoing source of blessing, was "his fearlessness". Perhaps now is the time for us to be fearless in taking this step, creating a space where everyone can encounter the beautiful and deep points of dharma, and, as His Holiness and Lama Jampa themselves have done, fully discover the stability, inspiration and contentment that a dharma life brings.

If you would like to support the project you can do so via the website: supporting Mikyo Dorje, or through your bank. To make a pledge or to discuss a personal loan, email


Thank you to everyone who has already contributed to the Mikyo Dorje Institute. Every act of generosity and commitment strengthens the project and generates merit.


New Year brings a change of direction


A home for Mikyo Dorje is within our gift!