New Year brings a change of direction
"Having visited temples in Nepal we'd like to bring a similar physical inspiration to the UK, demonstrating the beauty of Tibetan Buddhism, where thousands of people could benefit."
Mikyo Dorje Institute Benefactor
Happy New Year from the Mikyo Dorje Institute team!
Update on current situation
The last twelve months have seen great progress towards the realisation of the Mikyo Dorje Institute, but reflecting on the project at the turn of the year, the board of Kagyu Dechen Buddhism has made the decision that, despite the many positives of Haughton Farm, it is not suitable for us at this time due to a lack of alignment between the asking price, the renovation & development costs, and the funds available. The board extends thanks to the community for their generosity and to the project team for their hard work.
Due to the vendor’s tolerance and openness, many people from the Dechen community were able to visit the farm to consider how it might be developed. Inspired by the site, we commissioned due diligence work with a variety of professionals. The community support was, and continues to be, truly inspiring, with encouragement and material giving. We are deeply grateful for the support and generosity shown by people from near and far, who hold the Mikyo Dorje Institute project close to their hearts and have demonstrated this in their words and actions.
Next steps
We have recommenced the search for a home for the Institute, using Lama Jampa’s recent clarification that the Mikyo Dorje Institute should be ‘a magnificent temple’.
With this in mind, we are writing to landowners and registered building surveyors in Shropshire and Staffordshire, outlining our requirements and with the aim of purchasing a property off-market, subject to planning, at market price.
Video: Lama Jampa talking about the importance of an inspiring building (
Site search criteria
The Institute’s selection criteria include: 5-15 acres of land, in a rural or semi-rural setting – secluded yet accessible – with at least one building with a footprint large enough to convert or act as the future site for a temple.
Spiritual support
Alongside material generosity, other meritorious activities took place in 2024 for the Institute’s success, such as washing and decorating the Great Stupa in Boudha, through sponsorship, to create auspicious conditions, as well 10,000 recitations of The King of Aspiration Prayers currently being accumulated by the Dechen community.
(Link to King of Aspiration Prayers recitation counter: Prayers)
Lastly, if you have made a donation, and have not submitted a Gift Aid form, if you fill out a Gift Aid form, we can claim an extra 25%, depending on your tax commitment and the size of the gift. This is very valuable!
If you haven’t done so already please contact: for a form.
In most historic journeys there are twists and turns and changes of plan, so the journey towards the realisation of the Mikyo Dorje Institute continues and we look forward to sharing the next steps with you, as we move towards finding its true home in the near future.
With best wishes,
The Project Team
Finances (at time of writing)