Realising the Vision

A perfect site for a beautiful endeavour

The first thing we need to do is to locate and purchase a suitable site for the Institute. We are working with local councils to gain their support in both finding land and gaining planning permission. Shortlisting of sites and assessment of their suitability is ongoing. 

Designing a place of lasting beauty

Once a site has been selected, we will appoint a design team and liaise closely with the local community so that our proposals have the support of the people who live nearby.

Building the vision in stages

Due to the scale of the project, construction is likely to take  several years.  We will begin by converting and renovating existing buildings to allow dharma activities to begin on site as soon as possible.

Full realisation

Once construction of the main buildings are complete, the programme of dharma activities at the Mikyo Dorje Institute will include prayers and pujas, major teaching events, meditation classes and retreats.

'May the work we are about to begin meet with ever growing fulfilment and success and bring good fortune, prosperity, happiness and peace!'

Verses of the Eight Noble Auspicious Ones by Mipham Rinpoche (1896)